
  • May 3, 2018

    Updates from the Mangrove Finch Project »

    The mangrove finch is one of Darwin’s 14 finch species that helped inspire his groundbreaking theory of evolution (teach your class about Darwin’s theory of natural selection). Sadly, it is also the most endangered bird in the Archipelago, with only around 100 individuals remaining in the world. Whilst habitat destruction has played a role in read more

  • November 24, 2014

    Discover the unique Scalesia forests of the Galapagos »

    Scalesia is a genus of 15 species of shrubs and trees endemic to Galapagos. Some of these species are widely distributed whereas others are only found on specific Islands. Scalesia are mostly shrubs which grow within the arid and transition zones. However there are three tree species which form dense forests in the humid highlands. read more